Is It Time for the Horsemen of Revelation?

Some thoughts … a somewhat modified version of what I wrote in my books, in the light of current events and what they might mean.

When the 1st seal is opened, the rider of the white horse is given a crown (latin corona), and he rides forth with a bow, conquering and to conquer. We may see this seal opened now.

2nd seal, a fiery red horse. Peace is taken from the earth, so that people should kill one another … he was given a great sword. Martial law, rebellions, people starting to kill each other because of shortages and panic. If we are in to the four horsemen, this is what comes next.

3rd, outright famine and true shortage instead of the partial shortage we have now. Price of food skyrockets. Oil (either olive oil or perhaps auto oil which prices have dropped at the exact same time) and wine (perhaps including other alcohol) will not be hurt.

4th seal, death with hades following. Power over 1/4 of the earth (could be 1/4 of earths area or population) They kill with hunger with sword, with death, and (or even) by the beasts of the earth. Could reference to the Antichrist (beast). The population of professed Christians and Jews comes close to 1/4 of the earths population. Sword often means war or battle, and Scripture says the Beast wars against the saints and overcomes them. Famine … cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast, which comes through pledging loyalty to him and his plan above all. And death … believers being killed. …. Hades (hell) follows after him for those who give in to the beast and agree to take the mark … their destiny is the Lake of Fire, aka hades.

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Christians who hate Trump

Here is a very good article that clearly and concisely explains why we should support Trump as Christians.

Mario Murillo Ministries

There are Christians who hate Trump.  Let’s call it for what it is: hate.  It is their hate—which is very strange for those who name the name of Jesus—that dulls their ability to see the inaccuracy of their comments and their myopic views.

One sanctimonious ranting Christian said, “There’s nothing Biblical about Trump.”  Actually, there’s nothing Biblical about that statement.  The prophet Daniel served Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel recognized the role that this pagan king played in God’s unfolding drama.  The church’s ability to work with Trump is totally Biblical.

Now, I must clarify something, lest I incur the wrath of Trump supporters.  I am not calling Trump a pagan king—I’m sure he is much more moral than his enemies realize—I am saying that if Daniel could work with the Nebuchadnezzar how much more can we work with the Donald.

I have tried very hard to figure out what causes believers to…

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Don’t Look Now, But…

Great article with some important truths to consider – why does the media care more about a random terrorist attack than one directly aimed at Christians?

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Thoughts on Isaiah 2

I just randomly opened my Bible to read a bit, and turned to Isaiah 2:5-12. While this is spoken against Israel, it also sounds a lot like America.

O house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

2:5-9 For You (God) have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with eastern ways. They are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they are pleased with (or shake hands to make bargains with) the children of foreigners.

Their land is also full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their treasures. There land is also full of horses, and there is no end to their chariots.

Their land is also full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.

People bow down, and each man humbles himself; Therefor do not forgive them.
Many of the biggest names in Christianity promote necromancy (grave soaking), make wild prophesies that rarely if ever come true, encourage people to pursue foreign gods (Chrislam, New Age heresies, etc). Our leaders are frequently siding with foreigners over our own people, such as importing Muslim refugees, knowing for a fact that some of them will probably be terrorists.

We are among the wealthiest countries in the world. Most people have at least one car (chariot/horse).

We practice all kinds of idolatry, whether the entertainment industry, sports industry, or our own works. Rather than walking in the light of God Almighty, we humble ourselves before our idols, lift up our hands in worship of “musicians” who openly glorify satan in their music and shows.


2:10-12 Enter into the rock, and hide in the dust, from the terror of the LORD and from the glory of His majesty. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. For the Day of the LORD of hosts shall come upon everything proud and lofty, upon everything lifted up- and it shall be brought low.

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Spiritual Inertia

The scientific law of inertia says that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and an object at rest tends to stay at rest, unless acted upon by an outside force. This law not only applies to the physical world, but also to spirituality.

Proverbs 19:15, 16 Laziness casts one into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger. He who keeps the commandments keeps his soul, but he who is careless of his ways will die.

One of the things that plagues many Christians is spiritual laziness, and this keeps them in a deep sleep, spiritually. I have been guilty of falling into this trap, which is why I have not posted anything in a while. I work long hours at times, at a job that is somewhat stressful, plus I tend to be a low energy person. I allowed this to be my excuse for being overly lazy when I was at home. Instead of spending some time in the Word of God and communication with God, I came home and vegetated in front of the computer, scrolling through Facebook and not really giving any heed to my spiritual walk. I had become an object at spiritual rest. This does not mean that I had fallen away from the faith, but merely that I was lazy about it.


When you are spiritually lazy, weeds will spring up in your garden. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a parable about four types of soil. With one type, weeds spring up resulting in choking out spiritual fruit. This is a dangerous place to be, for it can choke your life to the point where you cease to be fruitful. Jesus warned in John 15 that any branch in Him that does not bear fruit will be cast out as a branch and burned in the fire.

Weeds are not merely the concerns about daily living, or just the tiredness that comes with living. You also become blind to areas where you are not keeping the commandments God has given you. In other words, you become blind to areas of sin in your life or stop engaging in spiritual warfare against those areas. Hebrews says to lay aside the sin that so easily entangles like wild vines, and press on toward the goal. Get moving.

I said earlier that many Christians are in this spiritual place in their lives. They go to church and worship God, but when they are home they do not keep pressing toward the goal, but just live like the rest of the world. Perhaps they were on fire for God at one point, but got comfortable in the faith and stopped pursuing righteousness. Or maybe they trusted in Christ for salvation, but never really looked into the Word to find out what it means to be a Believer, what God expects from us as His children, how to grow to spiritual maturity. Or maybe, like me, they just got so busy with life in this world that they found excuses for spiritual laziness.

The thing about spiritual laziness is that it puts you into a deep sleep – you are largely unaware just how unfruitful you have become, or how many weeds have sprung up in your garden. You go to church, you pray before meals, but are oblivious to the fact that you are not really worshiping God or genuinely communicating with Him. In Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus describes several types of church. One type thinks they are alive, but they are really dead. Other church types have some good things, but also have serious problems such as spiritual adultery. One of the root causes for their issues is spiritual laziness. They may be active in good works, but they are still spiritually idle – they are not pursuing God and His Word, merely works.

You see, God’s Word is like a mirror through which we can examine ourselves. It is a lamp to our feet, showing us the direction we must go, the path before us. It is water that washes us from the filth of the world system as we go on our journey. It is the full counsel of God, and we need to get into the Word to keep from going astray, to see the weeds in our garden so we can pull them.

Those who are lazy will suffer hunger, rather than be filled. Matthew 5 says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled, but you cannot be filled if you are lazy – there will be no fruit to fill you. Some of the fruits of the Spirit include joy and peace. If you diligently seek to enter His rest, you will have these fruits manifest in your heart, even in the midst of trials. But if you are spiritually idle, you will suffer hunger, you will not have these fruits.

Our key verses say that he who keeps the commandments keeps his soul. Those who pursue the righteousness of God will be filled, will find fulfillment. But the one who is careless about or despises His way will die.


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